Kimberly Lauger, BSN
Certified HANDLE® Practitioner
Certified Healing Touch Practitioner
My heart's work is helping parents and professionals
understand, support, and learn from individuals
with complex sensory and medical needs.
Learning from Dylan - Professionals
An approach to understanding, supporting, and teaching children with complex sensory and medical needs
"Over my years of service as a regional consulting teacher for the deafblind in North Central Arizona, I have had the tremendous privilege of hearing and watching Kimberly Lauger as she has trained and mentored teams and individuals in the complex issues pertaining to students with dual sensory impairments. Kim brings the tremendous heart of a parent who is making the personal journey coupled with a vast expertise in the areas of sensory integration, deafblind intervention, and more. Her presentations are in depth, but easily digested by those who are encountering deafblindness head on for the first time. Staff and parents alike come away from their time with Kim with a toolbox of practical information and suggestions which they can implement with their students right away and, most importantly, a colleague for the road ahead."
Helen McDowell, MA
Teacher of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Learning from Dylan
Telephone or Skype support for professionals
Explore the internal and external variables that might be influencing the connection, communication, and learning of your students
Explore ideas of what your students' behavior might be communicating about needed supports
Problem solve environmental, sensory, and deafblind strategies to fit the unique needs of your students
Problem solve roadblocks to implementation of these strategies
Learn tips to help you remain calm during challenging situations
Learning from Dylan Plus HANDLE®
Premier evaluation and support in your community
Evaluation of home and school environments for internal and external variables influencing connection, communication, and learning
HANDLE Evaluation, Neurodevelopmental Profile, and Program of Activities for focus student
Report of recommended environmental, sensory, and deafblind strategies
Understanding (focus student's name) - Presentation for family and professionals
Monthly in-person, phone or Skype follow-up for 6 months
For those with experience in deafblind education, and those working with their very first child with a combined vision and hearing loss, Learning from Dylan presentations
teach deafblind strategies through example
model the synergistic impact of implementing the wholeness of deafblind principles and practices into a classroom routine, rather than focusing on one strategy at a time
demonstrate the internal external model for adapting the environment, activities, expectations, or supports based on feedback from the child's responses
spark ideas for what you can do for your students, in your setting
Emphasis can be geared to specific areas of concern, such as
facilitating friendships
adapting lessons for the deafblind learner
literacy development
understanding the brain, the senses and the logic of behavior