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Areas of information or perspectives that together create the synergistic whole of the Learning from Dylan approach.


Ask me about Learning from Dylan encircles a picture of Dylan, a young man with CHARGE Syndrome
Learning from Dylan

Underlying philosophies of the Learning from Dylan model


Internal / External perspective - When does your child have the best balance in their life?  What works to support this balance and their health, success, and well-being?  What makes it worse?  What can you do?


Balancing the Scales by Kimberly Lauger, Kristina Manning, and Megan Mogan

Explanation of the Internal / External perspective, plus educational and team strategies from the 2013 CHARGE Syndrome Conference


Polyvagal Theory - Science supporting the Internal / External perspective

Polyvagal Theory Explained

A brief overview 

Emotional Safety: How it works or doesn't. A polyvagal Pathway to Love? - one of the simplest articles on polyvagal theory with a beautiful diagram 


Follow the Child 

The Spark: A Mother's Story of Nurturing Genius and Autism 

by Kristine Barnett

I found so many of these ideas to fit well with deafblind education


What does "Follow the Child" mean? 

Thoughts on assessment by David Brown


Overview of the Van Dijk Curricular Approach by Dr. Stephanie McFarland - 

Foundational principles for the Learning from Dylan model


Communication - Although we focused on American Sign Language when Dylan was a baby, he has shown us that he needs other types of communication support as well.


Learning language vs learning through language by Kimberly Lauger

A Learning from Dylan blog post written after hearing Millie Smith


Supporting Emergent Communication posts for the Communication Matrix Community Forum by Kimberly Lauger


Communication Matrix - Learn more about the Assessment Tool


Matrix Community

Be part of the community who works with emergent communicators

Kim and Gracie, a school-aged girl, are involved in a HANDLE clapping pattern
Blurry image highlighting the connection between Kim and Kenzie, a school aged boy who became deafblind as a preschooler, his hands are in hers, as he lifts his head to look towards her

We have found the wholeness of deafblind principles and practices put into action are essential for Dylan's learning.


A Family's Guide to Interveners for Children with Combined Vision and Hearing Loss

Booklet to help families navigate the IEP process specific to the unique needs of deafblind learners and the role of the intervener.


The Box of Deafblindness

A perspective on deafblindness by Kimberly Lauger

DVI Quarterly, Vol 58, No 4, 2013 pages 37-46


Participating in the Creation of the OHOA Learning Modules: One Parent's Perspective

Blog post and video about the importance of interveners and teams


National Consortium on Deafblindness

Resource for finding your local support organization, knowledge, and resources specific to deafblindness


Thank you to Cindi Robinson and the Arizona Deafblind Project for all the support and education throughout Dylan's life.  




Kim holds 2 young children, both with glasses and hearing aides

Although these publications and resources are specific to the syndrome Dylan was born with, CHARGE Syndrome, I believe the content is relevant to any parent seeking to understand and support their child.


Behavioral Features of CHARGE Syndrome: Parents' perspectives of three children with CHARGE syndrome

Parent editorial in the American Journal of American Genetics by

Kimberly Lauger, Nancy Cornelius, and Wendy Keedy

Published Online: 6 Jan 2005

DOI: 10.1002/ajmg.a.30558


The One in a Million Baby Podcast

Episode 10: Dylan and Kim - life with CHARGE Syndrome

This is the emotional story of my path as a mother to five children, and the love and loss along the way, 2016


American Journal of Medical Genetics Articles

Papers emerging from the Behavior Strand of the 6th International CHARGE syndrome conference


The CHARGE Syndrome Foundation

How do we understand the language of behavior and meet the child's sensory needs?


The Handle Institute

Detailed information about the HANDLE approach, and upcoming courses


The Fabric of Autism by Judith Bluestone

I recommend this book for gaining insight into the role our sensory systems have on how we function / behave in the world.


The Churkendoose Anthology by Judith Bluestone

This book is a collection of many individual and family experiences with HANDLE.  I find it useful for getting an idea of what HANDLE is and how it might be helpful for you or your family.


"I got the package yesterday......OH MY GOD, the book. (TheFabric of Autism) I read it cover to cover and I can't even begin to describe my feelings now. I thought I "got" what Mac's challenges were, but the book opened another realm of understanding that I'm still vibrating about… I've always wished I could switch places and be in her body, just to know what it feels like and I almost feel like I have.”                                                                                                   Jeanie Colp, Parent

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© Kimberly Lauger, 2016
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